Friday, August 8, 2008

Tropical Thunder....I think NOT!

So many of you know me well...and know I am a very tolerant person...except when it comes to my son...and specifically words that are degrading to him ie: retard. Well here lately it seems every comedian...TV show....Movie....and conversation include that word and it's variations. Most of the time I cringe and try to not let it get to me...but My friend Christina(who also has a daughter with Designer Genes) brought this situation to my attention through her Blog.

Let me tell you, I am OUTRAGED!
I don't ever ask for much...but I ask EVERYONE to repost this. I love my son, and most of you who know him love him too....he and his awesome friends don't deserve this kind of senseless degrading! Their lives(like everyone else's) can be difficult enough without ignorant adults making it worse!
Here is the issue...a new Ben Stiller movie :Tropical Thunder ( or something like that)...has a VERY...VERY offensive scene. I just want everyone to express to them through posting on the site, or boycotting the movie, or reposting this etc. that this won't be tolerated ANYMORE. Don't do it for it for Koby and the MANY other people living with intellectual disabilities who can't and shouldn't have to defend themselves, against the way God made them!
Here is the site:

I thank you in advance for reading this and re-posting it!-Courtney

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