Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Koby post!

Somethings that public education, my parents, college, and life could n0t teach me...that my "worthless to society" baby boy has....
1.It's not quantity but quality that really matters!
- Koby can't talk as much as other kids his age, but what he does say is so much more special that way!
2. Less may be more...But More isn't Less!
Koby has more Chromosomes...but that doesn't make him less important, less valuable, or less aware than anyone else!
3. Practice doesn't make perfect...practice makes progress!
- With Koby we learned that things are harder for him. And he may never sign "perfectly". But we have learned to appreciate his progress,which he works extra hard to achieve.It really is all about practice, and progress and soo not about perfection!
4.Love is NOT unconditional...
-The saddest thing Koby taught us is that for some people love has alot of conditions, or criteria. For Some love is about "image" and opportunity. For some love is about convenience. For others Love just isn't an option.WE just can't understand that!Koby is the LOVE of our lives
5. Ignorance is NOT bliss.
-We have encountered out share of ignorant people...including friends and family. Ignorance is quite sad! In the day and age we live in most kids can type before they can write...operate a cell phone before they can spell, and know what CD, DVD, PDA,and CPU all mean. But I feel confident saying 90% of the population have no clue what Down syndrome really is...to me...they are missing out!

There is so much more...but for now that is all.....

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