Monday, April 20, 2009

Say what?

Say what is a post that I am starting to chronicle the CRAZY things I hear in my line of work, or just being out and about in public.

* "No, I read it...I am going in to get a copy right now for one of the guys I met in prison" ( says a man on a cell phone as he enters Barnes and Nobles)*Interesting!

ONE TWO many!

"This is John David, Eva Grace, Michael Joseph, Mark Jacob." (Says a women who is introducing her children to another woman at a restaurant,who from what I could gather is a woman she hasn't seen in years) *REALLY LADY? Could you NOT just pick one name? Talk about indecisive. I mean really!

Communicable diseases 101:

* "Would you step into that tray please" says humane society worker
"WHY? what is it?" says obnoxious know it all woman
"well it is for sanitary purposes,everyone has to step into it to come into the shelter" says humane society worker
"Well, I don't really want to step into something everyone else has stepped in" Says obnoxious know it all woman
" Well, it is sanitary. The sponge contains a liquid that kills bacteria, so the animals won't get sick if someone may have stepped in, animal feces, or other harmful substances." says the humane society worker.
10 second pause while the woman argues LOUDLY about it with her Husband
"Are you going in or not?" says the husband who is CLEARLY sick of and used to her acting so ignorantly.
"Well, I SURE hope nobody stepped in here that has hepatitis C,My dad works for the Health department and he told me all about Hepatitis C" says the RUDE obnoxious Know it all woman
"Once again, it KILLS germs, not perpetuates is safe" says now mildly amused and partially annoyed humane society worker.
* This is from the CDC site:You cannot get hepatitis C from casual contact such as hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or drink. ** Think I need to get them to add stepping in a foot bath at the Humane society?


Terri said...

Was she barefoot? I'm confused, but it doesn't take much!

Courtney said...

LOL, no they make you step in it with you SHOES! Just to wash them skin contact at all! THAT was the weird part!