This is a picture of my pantry today...
Here is what you can't see from that picture...That the shelves are about a foot and a half deep. The shelves go over to the right about another foot,which is out of view of the camera, behind that wall/door. The top two shelves have food literally piled on top of each other and stacked together and stuffed in. The third shelf down is only half full, with all of the food pushed to the VERY back...Nothing can be within 6 inches of the front of that shelf.
The second to last shelf, which is JUST as wide and long as the other three has only a big package of packaged paper towels.
The last shelf has ONLY Koby's booster seat, yet it is also just as wide and long as the other shelves???
Now...why do we have to CRAM all the food we have onto those shelves, as well as fill another entire top cabinet in our kitchen with food, yet have 2 and a half shelves of our pantry completely empty? Oh...I am glad you asked...
Let me take you back to Tuesday Morning...a Morning that started like any other Morning...Alarm goes off at 7am..I go get Koby up, get his breakfast and cartoons in the kitchen while I am off to make coffee, and begin getting ready. So, I leave him at the table pop tart in hand,and I go out through our kitchen into the garage to switch some clothes around before I go get Chris up to watch Koby and in the shower.
I was in the garage for a maximum of....5 minutes.... I walk back in to Koby standing with the pantry door WIDE open and the following DUMPED on the floor..over a half a package of goldfish, nearly an entire package of Oreos, a bag of Tostitos that we had just opened the night before,package of fruit snacks, Little Debbie cakes, Triscuits, which were almost gone so really Triscuit CRUMBS,nearly half a package of pasta,laying in the mix was an unopened box of granola, an unopened box of pop tarts, and two unopened boxes of cereal stacked neatly up against the shelves(with which I am nearly certain he got down first and used as a stool to reach items on the higher shelf).
So...THAT is why I can no longer use all of the shelves in my pantry!
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