Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. You might not know it, but kids with Down Syndrome are slightly more prone to getting Leukemia( a certain type of cancer) than other children. I know many children with Down Syndrome and also who don't have DS, that have had or are currently fighting cancer. It isn't a battle they choose, but one they are forced to fight. I have seen the heartache it causes families. I have seen the strain it puts on marriages. I have seen, the confusion and sadness it causes for siblings. It just plain SUCKS! Cancer sucks! But I have learned a lot from cancer. I have learned that you can love children that aren't yours and pray for them as if they were. I have learned that some people can remain positive even in the darkest hours of their lives. I have seen true perseverance,through the fight of a family who wants nothing more than to throw the towel in, when they feel like they have tried every medicine, and treatment, and seen every doctor, known to man,but they keep matter what! I have seen kids with more wisdom, and maturity than they should ever have at their young ages. I have also seen God work. Just when you think he has let these children fall by the wayside, and question his motives(as I often do as a growing Christian), he MOVES. He heals, He relieves, He rejuvenates, He brings peace.
So, in this month of September(or whats left of it since I have been abandoning my blog) I vow to have a fact about childhood cancer, a song, a poem, a picture, or something else, that will make you all remember, to say a prayer, educate, or make a donation, every day.

The first one, will be a song. It is a new song, about cancer. It is called Hold on to can listen to it at Very good song. I can't hear it without thinking of all the sweeties who are fighting this very battle tonight!
Holding on to Hope-Courtney

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