Sunday, October 12, 2008

21 things about Koby

In honor of Down Syndrome awareness are 21 facts about the Kobster!

1. He is funny. He finds what makes people laugh and will repeat it!!!!
2. He is adorable. I don't just say this because he is my son, or looks like my husband who I think is cute, but he is just cute!
3. He is kind. He knows how to share, and to say sorry, and loves to help other kids...his teachers love that about him!
4. He is happy! Not always, but generally speaking he is the greatest kid, and just goes with the flow so to speak.
5. He is stubborn. This is good, though sometimes frustrating, I love this about him because it will help him so much in life. A strong will, is great!
6. Koby likes to watch TV....too much really, but it has taught him some amazing things. Things I can't get his attention on, I can find a show that has the same educational value and bam...he has mastered it!
7. His Favorite foods, are French Fries, Little Debbie cakes, watermelon, cucumbers and chocolate milk. He loves sweet tea, but I don't allow that!
8. He loves his Papa( my dad). We all find this kinda funny, don't get me wrong my Dad is amazing, but when he was a baby Koby was terrified of EVERY TIME we go anywhere he asks to go to Papa's!!!
9. He likes basketball...I don't have the heart to tell him that people in my family don't get to 6 feet tall therefore making a career out of it isn't a likelihood...but having fun at it is great!
10. He LOVES the pool. Everyday in the summer he would go swimming if we allowed it...he also tans, we discovered this summer and not just burns like his daddy!
11. He Loves music. He plays guitar, drums, and likes to blow into the recorder though he doesn't really try to play like he does with the guitar and drums.
12. Koby is very independent. He loves to do things for himself and by himself. He even washes his own hair in the tub now.
13. Koby's first word was Indian. But he won't say it anymore.He says a bunch of other words but will NOT say Indian.
14. Koby loves to tickle people...and he says tickatickaticka the whole time, and then laughs his little head off!
15.Koby knows McDonalds, Chickfila, and Sonic just by the signs...even the commercials he recognizes, and then wants to go get french fries....even at 8am! LOL
16. Koby doesn't like the ocean. I think the sound scares him and it makes him nuts to get sand all over himself...incase you didn't know...we live about 5 miles from the Beautiful Beach of the Carolinas.
17. Koby likes to talk on the pone ( phone)...and he holds it between his ear and shoulder and "talks" and uses his hands, and then he will just laugh and laugh, and then say "ummm bye".
18. EVERYTIME we come home from ANYWHERE if he is awake, he HAS to Ring the door bell. If we try not to let him because someone is sleeping or something, he will NOT come inside, and WILL be VERY mad, until his wish is granted.
19.Koby HATES shoes. He tries to take them off alllllll day at school, and gets time out at least once for doing it. He has like 10 or 12 pairs....doesn't matter, he hates em all!
20. He has blondeish hair....this is so weird to me. I have VERY dark almost black hair, and my husband(his daddy) has very red hair. We both have very brown eyes too...and his are green! My Mom has blonde hair and green I guess that is where he got it...but they are the ONLY two in either family!
21. Koby was the best baby. He slept through the night immediatley. Only waking to eat once a night. He never cried, unless he really needed too. He, was smiling from the start, and loved to be on the go, and be held by everyone! He is still the greatest kid!!!!

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