When did Koby start calling Chris DAD insteadof Daddy?
When did he start telling me to put "dis in dare" (pointing to the big living room TV, then pointing to his bedroom)?
At what point did he decide that saying "huh?" when I call his name is an appropriate response?
How does he know how to put DVD's in a DVD player, and turn them on, but refuses to use the potty ( I think I am being played!)?
Why will he eat anything put before him at my Mom's house, but at home come meal time he wants Fries, chips, cakes, Ice cream or Pizza?
How is it that he is helping his cousins, learn stuff like, putting together puzzles, throwing balls, and climbing the swing set?
How come every time we get within 2 miles of my parents neighborhood, he IMMEDIATELY starts yelling...MAMA...PAPA?? PAPA???
How does he know, that when people are upset, the best thing to do is to rub their hair, and kiss their forehead, and tell them,"shhh,awwwight...shhhh"
When did he decide, that twinkle twinkle wasn't his favorite song anymore?
Where was I when Hannah Montana beat out the Doodlebops as the best show ever in his eyes?
When did he become too "mature" for the high chair, and instead at the first inklink of meal time will crawl up in his booster?(the same one we could FORCE him to sit in 6 months ago)
How does he know, that putting socks on your hand and "biting" people with them or "talking" with them is funny?
How is it that he seems to know which shoes goes on which foot, almost ALWAYS?
How is it that he will be 4 years old in just 2 months?
Where was I when my sweet little snuggable baby, turned into a handsome, intelligent, funny and loveable Big Boy?
The day nothing changed
7 years ago